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Media Statement: The Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2022

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Contact: Caroline Reid, Communications Manager | | 087 216 2496
14 July 2022

In response to the Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2022 passing all stages of scrutiny today, Marissa Ryan, CEO of EPIC, Empowering People in Care said: 

“EPIC, Empowering People in Care welcomes the passing of the Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2022, which reforms the guardian ad litem system. Courts can be intimidating, stressful and overwhelming places for children who are subject to care proceedings, and Guardians ad Litem play a significant role in ensuring a child’s views are known and heard by the Court. The new Bill explicitly recognises that the voice and best interests of the child are paramount in relation to their care, in line with Ireland’s human rights obligations. EPIC believes the automatic appointment of a Guardian ad Litem in proceedings under the Mental Health Act and in relation to special care, as provided for in the new Bill, is an important and necessary safeguard for particularly vulnerable children.

While this Bill is welcome, it is of utmost importance that the Minister expedites progress on the current review of the Child Care Act and the establishment of the long-awaited family courts.  An amended Child Care Act should provide for the right to independent advocacy for children and young people who have been in the care of the state. An effective, child-centred protection and welfare system recognises the separate and complementary roles and safeguards provided for by Social Workers, Guardians ad Litem and Advocates. We hope this is advanced as a matter of priority when the Dáil returns from recess in September.”