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Submission to Public Consultation on the next Government Policy Framework for the Participation of Children and Young People in Decision Making

EPIC acknowledges the progress made by the state in enhancing the rights of children and young people in care or with care experience, both directly and indirectly. The enactment of the Child Care (Amendment) Act 2022 has made further progress for children and young people in care engaging with the courts and legal system, most notably by placing the appointment of Guardian Ad-Litem (GAL) on a statutory footing but also the requirement to have the views of the child expressed and considered in proceedings in Section. 5, which we hope to see commenced soon.

We believe the establishment of specialised Family Courts offers an opportunity to rethink how the views and participation of children and young people that are subject to child and family law proceedings can be sought in spaces that are safe and welcoming.

Tusla’s Child and Youth Participation Strategy 2019-2023 highlights the specific need for child-informed practice and requires the agency to ensure the views of children are ascertained and given due weight.

Against this backdrop, we welcome the progression of the National Framework for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-making and look forward to seeing the commitments of government. It is our position that for the strategy to be meaningful, it must involve all states services and government departments that interact with children and young people.