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Pre-Budget Submission 2024

Cover for our Pre-Budget Submission 2024.

Introduction to EPIC’s Pre-Budget Submission

EPIC makes this submission to Government in both our capacity as a national children’s rights organisation, and on behalf of the children and young people with whom we work. Our submission is informed by the evidence base from our caseload, as well as our research and policy work.

EPIC believe that the issues highlighted in our submission and the measures we propose in Budget 2024 to address these could result in timely, effective, and quality investments to ensure children in care and care-experienced young people are protected and supported.

Proposed Measures

Address the Shortage in Social Work Numbers
Invest in Independent Advocacy for Children
in State Care
Take Action on Care Leaver Homelessness
and Housing Options
Invest in State Operated Residential Care
Support Foster Carers