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National Advocacy Service Report 2023

The analysis of EPIC’s National Advocacy Service in 2023 highlights significant challenges faced by children in care and care leavers. The year saw an unprecedented number of cases, reflecting rising demand in EPIC’s services and an increasing complexity of issues addressed. Prominent issues in EPIC’s caseload included:

  • Access to services – therapeutic, health, and disability – often due to insufficient interagency cooperation and lack of allocated social workers, highlighting the ongoing need for urgent action in these areas in 2024.
  • The crisis in children’s care placements resulting in cases where children were not being provided with appropriate placements suitable to their needs.
  • The impact of the housing crisis on young people leaving, or who have left, care.
  • Aftercare planning and eligibility.

The data presented in this report not only informs our ongoing efforts but also shapes the development of EPIC’s programmes and policies. By identifying emerging trends and addressing ongoing issues, we strive for better outcomes and support for those we serve.

We are deeply grateful for the trust placed in EPIC by the children and young people we worked with in 2023. Their experiences, challenges, and resilience inspire our work. We also extend our heartfelt appreciation to our colleagues and partner organisations across the sector. Their professionalism, collaboration, and dedication have been instrumental in supporting children and young people through substantial adversity.