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16 May 2023
Research PublicationHeadphones, Odd Shoes & A Second Chance at Life (2023)
Headphones, Odd Shoes & A Second Chance at Life (2023) An Exploration of the Experience of Children in Care & Care-leavers with Disabilities “For the ‘Headphones’, I would say… kind of you’re in your own reality, you’re not really paying attention to the world, and you’re just getting on with your day-to-day life as best...
21 January 2015
Research Publication‘It’s about me’ (2014)
Young People’s experience of participating in their care reviews (2014) ‘It’s about me.’ Care reviews are an integral part of the care planning process which involve making decisions about aspects of young people’s welfare while in State care, for example issues concerning their current placement, extent of family contact, education/schooling etc. The main aim of...
10 July 2012
Research PublicationResearch on outcomes for young people leaving care in North Dublin (2012)
Research on outcomes for young people leaving care in North Dublin (2012) ‘My voice has to be heard’ This research study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the issues facing young people when they leave care. This report aims to answer three main research questions. What are the needs and circumstances of young people aged 17-18 who...