Aftercare FAQ’s
Find answers to questions you might have about aftercare
If you need support with aftercare, your studies, or other issues as a care-leaver, you can request an EPIC Advocate
Aftercare is a support service for young people moving from the care of Tusla – The Child and Family Agency, after they turn 18. Aftercare services assist you in preparing for this move, and support and assist you to live independently as a young adult. Aftercare supports include advice, guidance, and practical support. Preparation for aftercare should be part of your on-going care planning with your Social Worker, foster carers, or social care teams.
There are different types of aftercare supports in Ireland. The supports that are available to you depend on the length of time you spent in the care of Tusla as a child, alongside an assessment of your individual needs and wishes.
Aftercare supports may include some, or all, of the following:
• A legal entitlement to an assessment of your individual aftercare needs.
• The preparation of an Aftercare Plan for you.
• The allocation of an Aftercare Worker to you.
• Eligibility for financial support from Tusla.
• Access to the Tusla Aftercare Drop-in support services.
You are eligible to be assessed for aftercare supports if:
• You are over the age of 16.
• You have been in the care of Tusla for 12 months or more between the ages of 13-18.
If you do not meet the criteria above, you can still access support and advice through your local Tusla Aftercare Drop-in Service.
You may also be eligible for financial support for further education through the Tusla and The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Education and Training Bursary Scheme for Care Experienced Young People.
Tusla has a statutory duty to undertake an assessment of need for all young people leaving care who meet the above eligibility criteria. This assessment is basically your aftercare planning. It will begin when you are 16 with the support of an Aftercare Worker. Your assessment will look at your age, your wants and wishes for your future, your individual needs and circumstances, and the length of time you are, or were, in the care of Tusla, to see what aftercare supports may be available to you.
This assessment also helps you identify the areas where you feel you may need support in when leaving care, and you are supported in exploring these areas with an Aftercare Worker, and the other people in your life such as family, your Social Worker, Key Worker, foster carer or social care team.
Together you complete a written form listing and explaining the possible different supports for your future including:
• Accommodation
• Family support
• Education
• Financing and budgeting matters
• Training and Employment
• Health and Wellbeing
• Personal and Social development
• This information will then assist the Aftercare Worker in preparing your Aftercare Plan.
You have the right to have your say on decisions that affect your life, and your participation in your assessment is so important to ensure that your wishes, and all your needs, are being included.
Following completion of your assessment of need, an Aftercare Worker will prepare your Aftercare Plan at least six months before you turn 18. This written plan is based on the information provided by you, the Aftercare Worker, your Social Worker, and the other key people in your life during the assessment of your individual needs.
This Plan should clearly outline the supports required for you in the future as you move into adulthood, alongside the tasks and responsibilities for you, your Social Worker, and your possible Aftercare Worker to complete to achieve them. Each Aftercare Plan is individual to each young person, and should identify your own needs, and the supports to be provided to you, while taking into account your wishes and consent also.
Your assessment of need, when completed, will determine the level of support that may be offered to you, including the allocation of an Aftercare Worker. If you are assigned an Aftercare Worker when you turn 18, they become your main support person from Tusla, taking over from your Social Worker. If you are not allocated an Aftercare Worker, you will be supported through your local Tusla Aftercare Duty Drop-in Service.
Aftercare supports can be available to you from 18 up to 21 years old. This can be extended up to 23 if you are completing a course of education.
As part of your assessment of need and aftercare planning, a financial assessment of need will also be completed which will determine if you are eligible for an Aftercare Allowance. This is a weekly allowance to support you with your living costs while you are attending a full-time, accredited, educational or training course.
Not every young person who is eligible for aftercare supports will be eligible for this Allowance.
In order to be eligible:
• You must have turned 18 while in the care of Tusla, having spent the previous 12 months in Tusla’s care between the age of 17-18.
• You are attending an accredited education course, third level course or training programme.
• You agree to engage with Aftercare Service requirements and provide progress updates on your course.
Your financial assessment of need will also determine if you are eligible for an Aftercare Grant. To be eligible for this grant, much like the Aftercare Allowance, you must have turned 18 while in the care of Tusla, having spent at least the previous 12 months in Tusla’s care between the age of 17-18 years.
Living independently for the first time can be expensive, and this Aftercare Grant is a once off payment designed to support you with these costs, including your first month’s rent and a deposit, and basics like a pillow and duvet, bed clothes, towels, food, kitchenware etc.
It is important to note that aftercare is a voluntary service. You decide if you want to have the support of an Aftercare Service or not. If you say no/ do not give your consent to the supports to begin with, you can still change your mind up until your 21st birthday.
Each Tusla Aftercare Service also provide support through their Aftercare Drop-in Service. Any person with a care history may avail of the Aftercare Drop-in Service for advice or guidance – there is no age limit. Any young people who may not be eligible for an assessment of need and Aftercare Plan can contact the Drop-in Service for advice and support instead.
Aftercare Drop-in Services are also available to young adults who have aged out of their aftercare support, and to eligible young adults who do not wish to engage in full-time aftercare supports, such as the support of an allocated Aftercare Worker, but who may require once off advice or support on occasions.
If you are not eligible for an Aftercare Allowance, Tusla and DCEDIY provide a Bursary Scheme to young adults aged 18+ who had been in the care of Tusla for at least 6 months.
The Bursary is intended to support and assist you to achieve your full potential in education or training, with grants up to €5000. This could be for a new course/training, or continuation on an existing course/training. If you are in receipt of a SUSI student grant, you can apply for equipment only (tools to complete an apprenticeship, a laptop or a printer, software). You will need proof that you are enrolled in your academic course or training/development programme. You will also require a referee from Tusla to support your application.
More info:
With your consent, an EPIC Advocate can:
• Discuss your Aftercare and future plans with you.
• Help you understand your eligibility for aftercare supports.
• Help you speak to someone on your behalf concerning your aftercare supports.
• Attend a meeting with you or on your behalf.
• Help you understand these decisions.
• Assist you in making a complaint if you are not happy with a decision made relating to your Aftercare planning.