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Life Admin

Turn2me – Counselling & Peer Support

This service offers support for whatever you are going through. It is a safe place to talk with a professional counsellor. They will help you understand your feelings and work with you to get through tough times. The service is available for young people who are 18 years and over, and includes One to One Counselling, Peer Support and Support Groups via video, chat, text, or phone.

Children’s Rights

Learn about children’s rights in Ireland by visiting the Ombudsperson for Children website.
You can also check out Changing Futures, a website for young people made by young people with experience of Tusla services to get advice from other young people in relation to worries you may have about it.

Your voice, your vote

Have your voice heard and be an active participant in how Ireland works and who gets into power – get voting! Register to vote online via Check the Register, and if you want to learn more about what you can vote for and on see:
Voting in a referendum
Voting in a general election
Voting in local and European elections


Anxiety is unpleasant, and everyone experiences feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. If you want to learn and understand more about it, this collection of articles and stories on might help!

Coming out

🌈 Coming out as LGBTI+ or transitioning can be challenging. Coming out as LGBTI+ or transitioning as a young person in care can add extra layers to this challenge.
Check out our LGBTQI+ Resources which were developed by our LGBTQI+ Youth Advisory Committee for children and young people in care and the professionals who work with them.

Get your CV in order!

Some great advice on writing your CV (or Resume), a cover letter, tips for selling your skills, and more on

You should know your rights as a young worker too! So check out this section on the Citizens Information website to understand and know your rights!